2024 BCF Community Grants Cycle (CGC) is OPEN!

BCF Community Grants Cycle (CGC) is OPEN: February 15 - March 14 at 5PM
Bainbridge Community Foundation's Annual Community Grants Cycle (CGC) is OPEN for nonprofit applications from February 15 - March 14 at 5PM. We encourage nonprofit leaders to reach out and discuss possible funding opportunities for specific programs, capital projects, as well as general operations. You will apply through the Common Grant Application website. To learn more about the Community Grants Cycle, visit its webpage here. Total funding since the CGC began in 2005 is more than $4.5 million—and almost every year the CGC reaches a new record, which reflects the values and generosity of this community.
Please contact Debbie Kuffel at debbie@bainbridgecf.org with any questions or with proposal ideas. We’d love to hear from you!