Register Now for Great Sessions

LeadHERship: Finding Your Passions Through Giving
@ Wing Point Golf & Country Club | 811 Cherry Ave NE | Bainbridge Island, WA | 98110
October 10, 2019 | 5:30 - 7:30 PM |$20/ticket | REGISTER HERE
On October 10th come hear the stories of women who found a new passion for life through their charitable giving. Sarah Hopper, Principal of Sound Philanthropy will facilitate a conversation that will be as relevant to those just learning about philanthropy as it will be to seasoned donors. Susan Dunn, President of the Susan Elizabeth Foundation will talk about her journey from passive to intentional philanthropy. She will share the tools she used as she was starting out, identifying the core values and experiences that she wanted to model in her giving and the methods she uses to connect with organizations that align with her focus. Sonya Campion, trustee of the Campion Advocacy Fund will talk about the early days of her philanthropy, and how she and her husband Tom pivoted their work toward advocacy to help catalyze greater impact on their work.
Donor Retention: The New Growth Strategy with Breakthrough Fundraising Group
@ BIMA Auditorium | 550 Winslow Way E | Bainbridge Island, WA | 98110
October 17, 2019 | 6 – 7:30 PM |FREE | REGISTER HERE
The perpetual nonprofit question is: how do we attract new donors? What if the real magic in growing contributed support isn’t about finding new donors but is really about retaining the donors who already give to your organization? Fundraising experts Barbara Maduell and Kate Banta-Green of Breakthrough Fundraising Group will exhibit the hard evidence and give you the tools necessary, whether you are a board member, staff, or other volunteer, to grow and deepen support for your cause.
Making Money Meaningful: Engaging the Next Generation
@ BARN | 8890 Three Tree Ln NE | Bainbridge Island, WA | 98110
November 6, 2019 | 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM | FREE | REGISTER HERE
Handling financial assets can be a complex undertaking. Are future family leaders equipped for the role? Preparing the next generation is a lifelong journey that begins with a single overture. And while conversations involving different generations can prove challenging, engaging younger family members in a meaningful, values-based dialogue represents an extraordinary opportunity. This event will help you to discover how your values influence your personal, philanthropic, and financial decisions and how you can be more intentional in teaching your kids about money. This event features panelists Teresa Byers, Estate Planning Attorney at Garvey Schubert Barer; Heather George, CFP®, Director of Wealth Strategies and Cohead of Family Engagement Services at Alliance Bernstein; Stacey Hemingway, Parent, Sarah Hopper, Principal Advisor at Sound Philanthropy.
Is a Donor Advised Fund Right For You?
@ Bainbridge Public Library | 1270 Madison Ave N | Bainbridge Island, WA | 98110
November 21, 2019 | 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM | FREE | REGISTER HERE
Donor advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable vehicle in the marketplace, with more than double the number existing today than five years ago. But what the heck are they? At this presentation, we will explain donor advised funds, the tax advantages and convenience of using a donor advised fund, and discuss whether it is right for you. In addition, we will also explore where you can open a donor advised fund and what’s required to do it.