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What makes your heart sing? Support the programs you care about most at BainbridgeGives.org, now through June 16.

May 27, 2019

blog photoHelp meet the needs of our community through our 15th Annual Community Grants Cycle! Our online giving page,  BainbridgeGives.org, is open through June 16. This curated resource is an easy and accessible way to support the agencies and organizations that help so many in our community. Projects and programs include animal welfare, education, environment, health, housing and human services, public and societal benefit, and recreation. We receive far more requests than we can fund, which is why we need your help. With just a few clicks you can give $10 to $10,000 to the causes or projects nearest to your heart! Start here. You, Too Can Be A Philanthropist Want to learn more? Listen to a new Bainbridge Community Broadcasting podcast with Lynn Agnew, our Grants Co-Chair and member of the BCF Board of Trustees, and Debbie Kuffel, BCF's Program and Finance Officer. Our podcast is all about BCF’s Community Grants Cycle and BainbridgeGives.org! Community Grants Cycle BCF’s Community Grants Cycle supports grant requests across all nonprofit sectors that:
  • Directly benefit the community
  • Support extremely vulnerable populations
  • Support diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Give access to programs and services that enhance affordability for those who might otherwise face barriers
  • Support organizational success
Grants may be used to support nonprofit programs and projects, capital projects, access to services, or operational expenses. BCF welcomes your support to help fulfill these requests to sustain the wonderful programs that benefit our community. We are eager to connect you to the meaningful work of the many nonprofits that serve the Bainbridge community. We hope you'll find a project or many projects that inspire you to give! During last year's grants cycle, BCF awarded 49 grants for a record $273,535. Since the inception of this funding program in 2005, grants totaling more than $2.11 million have been awarded. Contact Debbie Kuffel for more information at debbie@bainbridgecf.org or 206.842.0433. And thanks!